Managing our Material Issues

[GRI 2-14, 3-1, 3-2]

This report covers the material topics most relevant to SDP and our stakeholders.

We continuously review these issues and relevant risks through stakeholder discussions and the implementation of our strategies and plans.

Topic Review And Identification
  • In 2018 and 2019, we determined our material topics by engaging with a wide range of stakeholders and participating in collaborative industry platforms and dialogues.
  • In Q4 2021, we conducted an internal review of the material issues to prioritise key topics.
  • The review also included outcomes from ongoing stakeholder engagement.
Stakeholder Consultation
  • We conducted one-to-one consultations with four external stakeholders from our customer and investor bases, an environmental NGO, and a labour rights expert.
  • We also sought feedback from our partner on TCFD analysis.
Validation And Approval
  • The outcomes were consolidated and plotted on a materiality matrix.
  • The material topics and contents of this report were validated by the sustainability team and approved by the Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors.

Materiality matrix

Importance to SDP

  • Responsible Agriculture
  • Commitment To People
  • Responsible Sourcing
  • Governance & Engagement

Since our last report, we have clarified the topics representing priority focus areas for SDP and our stakeholders.

We have split the previous Human rights and exploitation indicator into Human rights and labour standards, Community rights and development, and Gender equality. The previous standalone Minimum wage indicator is now part of the Human rights and labour standards topic. We have also merged the previous Disruption and production due to external factors indicator with the Climate change impacts and climate resilience topic. Lastly, two new topics have emerged for 2021: Governance and business ethics and Stakeholder engagement and transparency. The new standalone indicators are not new to SDP reporting but are emphasised as priority areas in this report.